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EU Encourages Ukraine to Faster Investigate Sheremet’s Murder

Thursday, 20 July 2017 17:19

The European Union wants that Kyiv finds the persons, who ordered the murder, as soon as possible.

The Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine encouraged Kyiv to faster conduct the transparent investigation of the murder of the journalist Pavlo Sheremet in 2016, UA1 reports, according to the statement of Ambassador of EU Delegation to Ukraine Hugo Mingarelli, made on the anniversary day of the journalist’s murder.  

“A year ago, the Ukrainian civil society and media community lost one of the most talented and courageous journalists. A year ago, Pavlo Sheremet was cold-bloodedly murdered. This tragedy still remains the source of grief for his family, many friends and colleagues, who, together with Pavlo Sheremet, protected the freedom of media and public interests of the whole region”, as said in the ambassador’s statement.

According to Mingarelli, the citizens of Ukraine will not be able to trust law enforcement agencies, until there is some progress seen in investigating Sheremet’s murder case.

The ambassador also noted that currently, the Ukrainian authorities need to find and hold responsible the persons, guilty of this murder.

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