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PrivatBank Appoints New Chairperson

Friday, 21 July 2017 17:24

Alexander Shlapak steps down from PrivatBank, the sources report.

Member of the Management Board Galina Pakhachuk became the acting chairperson of the management board of the bank instead of Alexander Shlapak, FinClub reports quoting the sources in PrivatBank.

On July 20, PrivatBank’s supervisory board passed the decision on the appointment of Galina Pakhachuk as the acting chairperson of the management board of the bank. During the session, the members of the supervisory board of PrivatBank satisfied Alexander Shlapak’s request on his resignation from the post of chairperson.

It became known about Alexander Shlapak’s resignation on June 26; on July 4, he announced the respective supervisory board session to be scheduled for July 20.

On July 12, the supervisory board of PrivatBank announced about choosing the internationally recognized executive search company Amrop Executive Search Ukraine for searching candidates for the position of the chairman of the management board (Chief Executive Officer) and the first deputy (Chief Financial Officer) of PrivatBank PJSCCB. There is a German among the candidates for the post of a chairman of PrivatBank.

The supervisory board of the bank considers that the chairman of the management board of PrivatBank Alexander Shlapak “completely fulfilled set tasks on stabilizing the situation in the bank and conducting the financial audit of the bank and completes the anti-crisis term on the post of the chairman of the management board of PrivatBank PJSCCB”.

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