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Authorities Do Not Want to Hold Preterm Elections Due to Fear of Defeat – Expert

Monday, 24 July 2017 17:18

BPP and People’s Front have less support within the society that those political forces, which are not the part of coalition.

The political expert Valentin Gladkikh stated that the unwillingness of ruling authorities to hold preterm elections evidence that the discontent with their actions grows in the society, he reported in a interview with one of TV channels, UA1 Reports.

According to the results of sociological surveys, BPP and People’s Front, which form the coalition today, have in the aggregate less support in the community than those, which are not in the coalition. According to the expert, such situation is inadequate.

“If the politicians recognize that they act in the interests of people and see that the results of their activities improve people’s lives, then they should understand that people will be content with such life improvement and they will expect for soonest elections, as people will come and vote for them”, Gladkikh noted.

Meanwhile, the counterposition, which the ruling authorities take today, evidences that the people do not support measures, which they take for managing the state.

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