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First Time since 2011 Ferrexpo Will Attract Pre-Export Loan

Tuesday, 25 July 2017 17:29

The British ore mining company Ferrexpo, having assets in Ukraine, attracts 4-year pre-export syndicated loan, amounting to $350 mln, Uaprom reports, quoting Reuters.

In addition, there exists an option of expansion of the attracted loan up to USD 500 mln, depending on the banks’ demand in issue of funds.

According to bankers, for the first time since the annexation of the Crimea and the war in Donbass, the Ukrainian company entered the international loan market. In 2016, the agricultural holding Kernel attracted USD 300 mln.

It should be reminded that in August 2016, Ferrexpo fully paid 420 mln dollars of pre-export financing. In the meantime, the company continues to service the credit line for 350 mln dollars with the maturity date in August 2018.

As reported, in 2016, Ferrexpo obtained 189.2 mln dollars of net profit, which exceeded the 2015 indicator six times.

The company managed to decrease the net debt by 32% - up to 589 mln dollars, with the growth of free cash flow more than four times – up to 145 mln dollars.

Ferrexpo is the iron ore mining company with the assets in Ukraine, the largest manufacturer and exporter of iron nuggets in CIS, whose shares are being traded at the London Stock Exchange.

As per the results of 2015, the company occupied the third place among the largest global manufacturers and exporters of iron nuggets for blast-furnace ironmaking, increasing their volume of production by 5.8% - up to 11.7 mln tons, and the volume of export sales – by 1.5%, up to 11.3 mln tons.

Wigmore Company is the subsidiary structure of CERCL Holdings Limited, the joint enterprise of BXR Group and the Czech entrepreneur Zdenek Bakala.

Konstantin Zhevago is the largest shareholder of Ferrexpo; he owns 50.3% of shares through Fevamotinico S.a.r.l.

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