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Groisman Expects That Rada Will Approve Five Packages of Reforms

Wednesday, 30 August 2017 17:20

Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman stated that in autumn, the Verkhovna Rada should approve five packages of draft laws on the reforms, the Prime Minister of Ukraine told during the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on August 30, EP reports.

“These are the decisions, which will ensure economic growth”, Groisman told.

According to him, these draft laws can be endorsed in the first, or in the second reading, at the same time being completely ready for approval by the parliament.

“This is the pension reform, educational reform, electronic trustee services, medical reform, the international financial reporting standards”, Groisman told.

According to him, the draft laws within five packages of these reforms are “on the homestretch”.

On July 13, the Verkhovna Rada voted for the pension reform in the first reading. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft reform on May 17.

In particular, the pension reform stipulates the cancellation of restrictions on the pensions of working pensioners, the cancellation of special conditions of retirement, the gradual liquidation of the deficit of the Pension Fund etc.

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