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General Prosecutor’s Office Restricts Rights of Special Forces During Searches of Enterprises

Friday, 06 October 2017 16:31

General Prosecutor’s Office Yurii Lutsenko signed the guidance letter on avoidance of violation of rights of business entities, the press office of General Prosecutor’s Office informs, HB reports.

“For this purpose, in accordance with the guidance letter, the General Prosecutor of Ukraine obligated his subordinates to additionally coordinate the procedure for taking investigative and procedural actions with law enforcement authorities, which may restrict rights and interests of business entities”, according to the message.

In particular, to get an approval of applications for obtaining the court permission for conducting the search, the prosecutors are required to coordinate the necessity of attraction of special units for conducting the search with the directors of regional prosecutor’s offices.

In addition, the attraction of special units for the search is permitted in the criminal proceeding on serious and extremely serious crimes as well as in case of physical resistance to investigative actions. The directors of regional prosecutor’s offices should report to GPOU’s Head or his deputies regarding the attraction of special units.

In addition, the guidance letter requires to ensure videotaping of searches, ensure absolute access of lawyers to searches in case of their attraction by concerned parties as well as in case, when the lawyer arrives at the location after the beginning of the search.

Currently, the special forces are also required to refrain from seizure of computer equipment, its parts, mobile devices, except for the cases, when its provision (together with information, which they contain) is a necessary condition for conducting expert investigation, or there is information that the equipment was obtained as the result of the crime or is the weapon or instrument of crime.  

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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