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Two Draft Laws on Lifting Parliamentary Immunity Introduced to Rada

Tuesday, 17 October 2017 17:09

President Petro Poroshenko proposes the Verkhovna Rada to introduce changes to the Constitution in terms of immunity of parliamentary deputies.

The respective draft law №7203 is registered in the Rada on Tuesday, Ukrainian News reports.

According to the title of the draft law, it is proposed to introduce amendments to article 80 of the Constitution; however, the text of the document is still not posted on the official website of the Parliament.

In accordance with art. 80 of the Constitution, the deputy immunity is guaranteed for the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada: they do not bear legal responsibility for voting results or their speech in the parliament or its bodies (except for the responsibility for the insult or libel) as well as cannot be held criminally liable, apprehended or arrested.

In addition, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Andrii Parubii ordered the Parliamentary Committee for Legal Policy and Justice to urgently consider draft laws regarding cancellation of the deputy immunity.

He reminded that two draft laws on this theme are registered in the parliament: the draft law №6773 of 158 deputies and №7203 of the President of Petro Poroshenko.

“Now, I urgently order the Committee for Justice to consider these laws, which are introduced to the Verkhovna Rada, on lifting the immunity”, he said.

The Speaker is confident that as soon as the Committee provides conclusions on these draft laws, they will be considered in the session hall.

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