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SSSU Suspects NABU’s and SAPO’s Officials of Treason

Monday, 23 October 2017 17:14

The SSSU initiated a case against anticorruption officials.

The case was initiated immediately after the operation of the Ministry of Defense and Trade Commodity, Correspondent.net reports.

The State Security Service of Ukraine initiated operational investigative proceedings against NABU detectives and SAPO prosecutors to investigate their involvement in treason, Ukrainian News reports quoting its source.

As is noted, the detectives and prosecutors became interested after they apprehended Deputy Minister of Defense Igor Pavlovsky.

“SSSU wants to accuse SAPO and NABU of the treason. They initiated a criminal investigation against prosecutors and detectives after the operation on the Ministry of Defense and Trade Commodity was conducted”, the source said.

According to him, Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Gladkovsky, who, according to mass media, is the business partner of President Petro Poroshenko, initiated such actions.

The NSDC session was held on this matter.

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