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Police Reports Seizure of “Garbage” Securities for 40 Billion

Thursday, 19 October 2017 16:21

The national police reports a seizure of “garbage” securities for almost UAH 40 bln, the press of National Police reports.

According to the message, the police officers identified a group of persons, who conducted financial transactions on the stock market. Within the proceeding, the law enforcement officers conducted 34 searches.

“The scheme organizers and involved stock market officials artificially overpriced securities of the controlled issuers and then sold them. The securities purchasers (investment funds, insurance companies) used them in their criminal schemes”, the press office reports.


“Each month, the “garbage” securities, amounting to UAH 1 bln, were sold to the specified criminal group. According to preliminary estimates, the participants of financial transactions monthly obtained million profits for their services”, the message says.

During the searches, the law enforcement officers confiscated 51 seals and documents, proving the criminal activities.

Currently, the attachment is imposed over the securities, controlled by the criminal group. The total amount of capitalization of securities is almost UAH 40 bln.



It was previously reported that the General Prosecutor’s Office jointly with the National Police found “garbage” securities for UAH 25 bln.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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