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New simplified ledger of income and expenditure of entrepreneurs approved

Monday, 14 October 2013 15:17

Order of Ministry of Revenues from 16.09.2013, №481

The form of the Book of accounting of incomes and expenses maintained by individual entrepreneurs, except those on the simplified system of taxation, and individuals conducting independent professional activity, and Procedure for its maintenance have been approved

Ministry of Revenues by order of 09.16.2013, № 481 approved:

- the Book of The form of accounting of incomes and expenses maintained by individual entrepreneurs, except those on the simplified system of taxation, and individuals conducting independent professional activity, and

- order of its maintenance.

New form of the ledger for income and expenditure has been simplified. Also, the order of keeping the book provides its application in electronic form.

In fact, the new book contains only 9 columns (instead of 12 to be filled in an old book). In particular columns have been taken away meant for stating the balance of inventories at the beginning and end of the period.

Henceforth, self-employed persons will need to fill in the Ledger the following lines:

- «Accounting period (day, month, quarter, year)»;

- «The amount of income derived from business activity or independent professional activity»;

- «The amount of money returned for goods (works, services)»;

- «The total amount of earned income that is subject to declaration»;

- «The costs of business activities or proceedings independent professional»:

- «Essential elements of the document certifying the expenditure incurred»

- «Total costs related to the acquisition of goods (works, services)»

- «Costs on salary of hired persons»

- «Other expenses incurred in obtaining income»

- «Amount of net taxable income».

The book is conducted by taxpayer’s choice in hard or soft form.

As before, individual entrepreneurs registered as payers of value added tax do not include in the expenses and income the amounts of value added tax within the price of purchased or sold goods (works and services).

The book is kept by a self-employed person for 3 years after the end of the reporting period in which the last entry was made.

Data the Book of are given in UAH with kopecks and used by self-employed persons for tax reporting on property and income.

A few words about the electronic book form. If you select this option of accounting, an entrepreneur should obtain from the ACSK1 Public Key Certificates (if they do not have them yet) and conclude with the Ministry of Revenues an agreement to recognize electronic documents (in paper or electronic form).

The scheme of receiving the keys and the contract is similar to that used for filing tax returns by electronic means in electronic form. Then application for a book is formed and sent to the place of tax registration. As required by the Order, the tax body must register your ledger within 3 business days. During this time you should be informed on registration of the Book indicating its registration number and date of registration.

Upon receipt of such notification an entrepreneur has the right to maintain ledger in electronic form in accordance with the Order. Electronic books do not exclude the possibility of error correction or adjustment of already entered information. This is done by supplementing the line that shows a negative or positive value.

Those who maintain and wish to continue to maintain a paper version of the book, should switch to new simplified form, as the old form lost its force.

As before, the printed book is registered at the principal place of accounting of the entrepreneur. According to the procedure, if necessary, the registration of new the Book for the tax (reporting) period its entries are made in cumulative total.

Previous book remains with the self-employed person. We believe that this provision should apply when moving to a new simplified form of Books. So, after the registration of new Book, the old one stays with the owner, and continue to make entries in the new in cumulative total.

The Order comes into force on the day of its official publication, as at 10.10 it is not officially published yet.

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