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Why are Ukrainians denied entry to Russia?

Wednesday, 20 November 2013 16:26

Ukrainian MFA’s official version

In 2013 Russia strengthened responsibility of foreigners and stateless persons for violation of the immigration regime and rules of stay of foreigners in Russia. This information was posted on the MFA’s official web portal 20 August this year, according to the message by the Foreign Ministry.

Prohibition on the entry of foreigners to Russia is one of measures widely used by the Russian side against violators of the migration regime.

The list of reasons to prohibit entry into the territory of the RF is defined by the provisions of the Federal Law «On the exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation» dated 15.08.1996, № 114-FZ, in particular:

- Exceeding the permitted period of stay by 30 days or more during previous visits to the Russian Federation;

 - Multiple (twice or more) imposition of administrative sanctions in the RF within three years;

- Evasion of tax or administrative penalty in the period of stay in Russia or refunding of the costs of administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation.

In case of imposing this prohibition against foreigners the corresponding information is submitted to the Central bank of accounting data of foreign nationals and stateless persons temporarily staying or residing in the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to the RF legislation, the Federal Migration Service of Russia shall provide the information on the imposed ban on entry to the Russian Federation personally to the citizen who has been denied entry, or their representative (authorized by notarized power of attorney) based on the application and identification document of the citizen or their representative.

In order to determine causes and duration of the ban, the citizens who have been denied entry to the Russian Federation may personally or through a legal representative send to the FMS of Russia (107078, Moscow, Boyarsky Lane 4) an Inquire about the causes and validity of the ban on entry into the country, or send an email request by completing the appropriate form on the official website of the institution www.fms.gov.ru see «Appeals».

The decision to prohibit entry to the Russian Federation may be appealed in court.

In this regard, MFA yet again points out to the citizens of Ukraine planning their trips abroad or staying abroad, the need for compliance with the laws of the host country.

However, MFA of Ukraine is working with the Russian counterpart on measures to enable unimpeded implementation of lawful rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens when crossing the Ukrainian-Russian border.

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