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Tigipko Becomes Chairman of TAScombank Again

Tuesday, 13 March 2018 17:33

Since March 12, the Supervisory Board of TAScombank appointed Sergei Tigipko as the Chairman of the Management Board, FinClub reports.

During the last 11 months, he held the position of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Tigipko is appointed for 3 years and will assume office on the next day after NBU’s approval of his appointment.

Vladimir Dubei will be the acting Chairman of the Management Board of TAScombank before approval of the candidature of Sergei Tigipko.

Sergei Tigipko is already the chairman of the management board of the bank from January 2016 to April 2017. Then, he became the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and his place was occupied by Ekaterina Melesh. After appointment of Sergei Tigipko, she was relegated to the advisor’s position based on the submitted application.

TAScombank reported that she will act as the deputy chairman of the management board of TAS Group.

During the session of the Supervisory Board, the plan of actions on reorganization through the merger of VS Bank and TAScombank was also approved.  

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