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National Bank Determines Strategic Goals

Friday, 16 March 2018 16:46

The National Bank presented the Strategy of Central Bank, which sets the goals for medium term, NBU’s press office reports. This is reported by the NBU press service.

“The National Bank has clear vision and program: we will continue working on ensuring the price and financial stability and, together with the financial sector, will boost economic growth”, Chairman of the National Bank Yakov Smolii noted.

“This vision will be realized towards seven directions of development. Six are targeted outside – for satisfying the needs of financial ecosystem. The high institutional ability of the central bank is one of important prerequisites for their achievements. Understanding it, the National Bank sets itself the internal target – to become modern, open, efficient, independent central bank”, the message says.

The strategy of the National Bank consists of the following targets:

-low and stable inflation;

-stable, transparent and efficient banking system;

-resumption of lending;

-efficient regulation of the financial sector;

-free movement of capital;

-financial inclusion;

-modern, open, independent, efficient central bank.

“We analyzed the needs of players of the financial ecosystem, the conditions of environment, in which they operate, the trends, which will influence the ecosystem in future. Based on this analysis, we formed the strategy of the National Bank – the roadmap, by which we will be governed within next years for achieving certain seven purposes”, Smolii noted.



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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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