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Naftogaz Will Spend UAH 168 Mln for Advice How to Reform Itself

Friday, 16 March 2018 16:58

The national joint stock company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” announced a tender for procurement of services on managing the project of transformation of certain areas of Naftogaz’s activities, including assistance with dividing activities on natural gas transportation and storage, according to the company’s message, Ukrainian News reports.

“Naftogaz actively supports the reformation of Ukraine’s natural gas market for ensuring its liberalization and further integration with EU market, takes efforts to ensure the value growth of Naftogaz Group, efficiency and transparency. It requires implementation of large-scale initiatives for ensuring fulfilment of the requirements of the European and Ukrainian legislation, improvement of the activities of companies and maximization of the value of Group’s assets”, according to the message.

According to the message, the main tasks, which should be realized by the advisor, include: ensuring effective management of the project of transformation of certain areas of the activities of Naftogaz Group, including the activities on natural gas transportation; assisting Naftogaz Group when selecting the approach, measures and operational plans regarding the optimization of assets, which are subject to transformation; creation of the centralized service center for providing services to the participants of the energy market of Ukraine and foreign companies; ensuring the effective management of the process of division of activities on natural gas transportation; ensuring realization of optimal strategic options for activities on natural gas storage in compliance with best global practices; management of project integration, risks, quality and timeframe during the process of fulfillment of the agreement.

The period of services provision is by 1 June 2020.

The expected value of procurement is UAH 168.38 mln.

As Ukrainian News reported, Naftogaz negotiated with Holland Van Gijzen Advocaten en Notarissen (HVG Law LLP, Netherlands) on providing legal services in matters, associated with the company restructuring procedure for complying with requirements on dividing activities on natural gas transportation (“unbundling”), including attraction of the qualified partner for management of the gas transportation system of Ukraine (GTS).

The value of the agreement is 490.130 ths euros.

The tender conditions stipulate the period of services provision by 31 December 2020.  

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