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SBI Will Start First Investigations in September

Friday, 30 March 2018 16:33

Since September 1, only the State Bureau of Investigations conducts the pretrial investigation of crimes, committed by senior executives, judges and law enforcement employees.

The State Bureau of Investigations plans to start the first investigation in September, SBI Director Roman Truba said, according to the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers, Correspondent.net reports.

“For more than 20 years, Ukraine waited for creation of the State Bureau of Investigations. We set a goal to build the bureau for less than a year. Without the support of political institutes, but we hope that with the support of civil society and international partners. In September 2018, we will start the first investigations”, Truba stated.

According to him, from September 1, only the State Bureau of Investigation will conduct pretrial investigation of the crimes, committed by senior executives, judges and law enforcement employees as well as the persons, who committed military crimes.

The function of organization and procedural control by the pretrial investigation remains with the General Prosecutor’s Office.

It should be reminded that the commission for electing the management of the State Bureau of Investigations elected Roman Truba as the Director of the Agency.

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