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Groisman Asks IMF to Compromise in Gas Negotiations

Friday, 13 July 2018 17:48

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine continues negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the natural gas price for population and counts on the compromise option, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman said during the question hour in the Verkhovna Rada, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

“Now, we are in negotiations. We are searching for compromise options to protect interests of Ukrainian citizens and Ukraine. I hope for understanding with our international partners”, he said.

Ukraine is in the complicated negotiation process with IMF on the gas issue from July 2017: the Fund insists on raising the gas price for population, which, according to different estimates, can be between 30-60%, due to the price growth on international markets.

Previously, quoting the source, close to the government, the mass media reported about the new suggested by Ukraine compromise option in negotiations with IMF on the gas price. The package of suggestions provides for several steps.

For continuing cooperation with IMF and obtaining the next tranche, Ukraine needs to fulfill “crucially important” obligation on adjusting the gas price for population to the economically feasible levels.

The government refuses to raise gas prices for population, reasoning it by the fact that first, it is necessary to envisage compensators for poor layers of population. According to different estimates, the price increase may be between 30%-60%.

IMF position is quite tough, as in 2017, the government adopted the decision on such gas price increase that allowed Ukraine to obtain IMF loan tranche; however, consequently, it unilaterally refused from its fulfilment.

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