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Trump: Trade Negotiations with China Are Going Well, but U.S. Not Yet Ready to Conclude Agreement

Thursday, 06 September 2018 15:48

U.S.-China trade talks are going well, but U.S. is not yet ready to conclude a deal on the terms of China. U.S. President Donald Trump told reporters in the White House, UNN reports quoting TASS.

"We have achieved good results in the negotiations with China, but we are not ready to conclude a deal they would like to make", the Head of State said.

Trump stressed that Washington will continue talks with Beijing. "I have great respect for Chairman Xi Jinping, but now we simply cannot conclude this deal," the White House Leader said.

As previously UNN informed, Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that he does not like the deficit in trade with China. On June 15, he announced that due to the alleged Chinese theft of US intellectual property and technology, as well as because Beijing is engaged in unfair trade practices, U.S. will impose 25% tariff on imported goods from this country for $ 50 billion. The Chinese authorities immediately responded to tariffs for imported American products at the similar cost.

The Chinese authorities immediately responded by imposing duties on U.S. imports for similar amounts. In addition, China expressed protest against U.S. in connection with the introduction of additional tariffs and initiated consideration in the WTO.

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