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CNN: Billionaire Marc Benioff Will Purchase Time for USD 190 Mln

Tuesday, 18 September 2018 16:12

American businessman, philanthropist and CEO of Salesforce Corp. Marc Benioff and his wife buy Time magazine for $ 190 million from the media conglomerate Meredith. This is reported by UNN referring to the broadcaster CNN.

"The Benioffs will own the Time magazine as a family investment», Edward Felsenthal, editor-in-chief of the TV company, said. "Although Mark and Lynn will not deal specifically with our business, we believe that we are very fortunate to have their parting words and mentoring on the way to building a new company."

The deal is expected to be closed in 30 days, the broadcaster clarified.

Last year, Meredith acquired for $ 2.8 billion publishing company Time Inc., which owns dozens of media, including Time, Fortune and People magazines.

According to the newspaper The New York Times, the deal involved billionaires brothers Charles and David Kochi. Meredith received about $ 650 million from their structures shortly before the deal.

Recall, the market value of the world's largest shares in the turnover of the American company that sells goods and services through the Internet Amazon on the NASDAQ exchange reached 1 trillion US dollars.

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