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Politico: Unknown Hackers Obtain Access to Data of Employees of Department of State

Tuesday, 18 September 2018 16:21

Unidentified hackers were able to crack open the US Department of State's unclassified mail system and had access to personal information from a small number of department employees. This was reported on Monday by the newspaper Politico with reference to its sources in the department, reports UNN.

According to their information, recently the hacker attack "affected less than 1% of employees' mailboxes." "We have established that the personal information of individual employees can be disclosed», the State Department's announcement said. "We notified these employees."

In the department, notes Politico, a working group has been set up to investigate cyberattacks. The sources did not tell the newspaper if the identity of the hackers was established. Attackers could not access the classified data.

The State Department's computer system often becomes the target of cyberattacks. Thus, in mid-April, his leadership warned his employees of attempts to conduct hacker attacks. Then unknown persons sent messages to employees of the department with malicious software in order to gain access to their confidential data. In connection with frequent attacks on the State Department, lawmakers asked Secretary of State Michael Pompeo to provide an appropriate report on how the agency under his control organized a cybersecurity system.

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