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UK PM: London Should Participate in EU Decisions

Friday, 21 October 2016 15:50

According to Theresa May, UK should be the participant of all meetings and negotiations, during which the decisions concerning 28 EU member states are taken.

The United Kingdom expects to participate in EU decision-making processes until the Brexit, UK Prime Minister Theresa May said during the EU Summit in Brussels, BBC reports.

As Theresa May noted, Britain should be the participant of all meetings and negotiations, during which the decisions concerning 28 EU member states are taken.

For Theresa May, who took the chair of the Prime Minister after Brexit referendum, this is the first EU Summit as the head of the country’ government.

Before the Summit started, May promised that UK authorities will closely cooperate with EU on different issues even after Brexit.

May also emphasized that Europe should have the concerted position against “Russian aggression”, including “revolting atrocities” (of Russian soldiers) in Syria.

According to the Prime Minister, Britain will activate Article 50 of the Lisbon Agreement, which officially launches the process of country’s withdrawal from the European Union, by the end of March 2017. It means that UK withdrawal from EU should be completed by summer 2019.

On June 23, UK conducted the referendum, on which the citizens decided the issue of country’s EU membership. 52% British were in favor of country’s withdrawal from EU.


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