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Kazakhstan and Israel to Build Food Processing Plant in Almaty Region

Wednesday, 14 December 2016 15:57

Kazakhstanand Israel will build the food processing plant in Almaty region, Chairman of Bilateral Chamber of Industry and Commerce Israel-Kazakhstan Michael Roe said to journalists, BNews.kz correspondent reports.

“We anticipate construction of the first plant of Kazakhstan and Israel, the products of which will be exported to China. All the products will be produced for export, which will amount to USD 10 mln. The plant will be built in Almaty region. Israeli technologies, raw materials from Kazakhstan and investments, shared among businesses, will be used in construction of the plant. The market already has orders from China for five years ahead. The plant will produce food products”, M. Roe reports.

According to the Chairman of the Chamber, the plant will be open in 10-12 months after China lifts restrictions from Kazakhstan on poultry export.

“Currently, China’s Vice Minister of Agriculture holds negotiations on this matter. China is the important and large country; when Chinese borders open, then the cooperation with Kazakhstan becomes interesting for Israeli. According to this memorandum, the cost of construction of the plant is USD 5 mln, the export is about USD 10-15 mln”, M. Roe added.


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