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Margarita Simonian Names Main Problem in Relationships between Russia and USA

Wednesday, 01 February 2017 11:35

RT Chief Editor Margarita Simonian claimed that the gross ignorance of other party is the main problem in relationships between the USA and Russia, Simonian said during the interview to “Russia 24”.

“I think that the main problem of our relationships is the gross ignorance on that side and the incompetence of decision-makers”, - Simonian said.

According to her, if US stiffness were informed and competent, there would be less problems.

“When this stiffness is based on stupidity, full absence of information, impossibility, unwillingness and inability to receive this information, it turns from the generally normal stiffness, to which the large and great country has the right, to self-destructive and just killing stupidity”, - RT Chief Editor said.

Margarita Simonian provided an example of CIA reports, which had the dates mixed due to the fact that Russia and the USA use different system of date abbreviation.  

In January, US intelligence agencies promulgated the report, which informs about the “influence campaign”, created by Russia and targeted at US presidential elections 2016. Later, MIA stated that US report contains unfounded accusations.

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