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Trump Has Clear Position on RF and Ukraine – Advisor

Friday, 20 October 2017 16:26

Herbert McMaster stated that the sanctions against Russian due to Ukraine’s situation have their effect.

U.S. National Security Advisor Herbert McMaster informed that, when delivering speech in Washington, Donald Trump chose a policy of avoidance of conflicts with Russia; however, he continues to have a firm position regarding Moscow’s attempts to destabilize situation in Ukraine, Correspondent.net reports quoting Ukrinform.

“The President gave us very clear instructions regarding our relationships with Russia. He determined a very strong position in the Middle East and in Ukraine, in particular, the opposition to RF’s destabilizing behavior”, McMaster stated.

He is confident that the sanctions against RF, imposed for its aggression in Ukraine, have their effect.

“I think that Russia starts understanding that it is not in its interests to continue the conflict in Ukraine”, the US President’s Advisor emphasized.

He noted that it is not only economic losses from sanctions, but also the loss of international trust. Nevertheless, according to him, Trump wants to avoid any conflict with Russia.

McMaster reported that U.S. President wants to contribute to development of opportunities for cooperation with RF in the spheres of common interest, such as settlement of Syria’s situation and North Korea issue.

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