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For First Time China Tops U.S. by Amount of Investment in AI Startups

Thursday, 22 February 2018 16:03

According to CB Insights’ report, last year, the global investments in startups, developing algorithms for artificial intelligence (AI), reached $15.2 bln. Out of them, 48% accounted for China and only 38% - for U.S., high-tech.fm reports quoting MIT TechnologyReview.

The investment growth rate in AI sphere in China is particularly impressive. Back in 2016, only 11.3% of the global volume of investments in AI startups accounted for the share of this country.  CB Insights analysts consider that the main reason for such PRC’s breakthrough  is Chinese authorities’ pursuit of creating the total spying system. The lion’s share of investments is intended for Chinese companies, developing facial recognition algorithms.

Meanwhile, U.S. continues to top in development and production of AI-chips. The Chinese company Huavei launched production of AI-chips for top models of its smartphones, but still, the serious challenge was not issued to the virtuallu monopoly position of Intel, Qualcomm and other U.S. producers.

U.S. also has more and more launches of new AI-projects and investment deals in this industry. However, U.S. leadership is gradually lost against the competition from China. In 2013, 77% of share sale deals in AI startups account for U.S. share, but in 2017, this indicator dropped to 50%.

In total, the global AI-field rapidly increases. In 2017, the investments in AI startups increased by 141% versus 2016. Last year, 1,100 new startups, developing machine learning algorithms, appeared. The analysts forecast the further rapid growth of industry with higher predominance of Chinese companies in it. In their opinion, the insufficient support of the field from U.S. government is the reason for gradual lagging of U.S. in AI sphere.  

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