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Heads of Parliaments of 5 European Countries Sign Letter against Nord Stream – 2

Monday, 12 March 2018 16:46

The head of parliaments of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia signed in Vilnius the letter, stating that Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline is intended for energy dependence of EU countries from Russia.

As Polish Radio reports, previously, Ukraine and Moldova signed this letter.

“As this document was signed by the group of countries, but not standalone countries, such voice is heard louder”, Marshal of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński said to journalists.

“One principle is the general concern about security of all countries of the European Union as well as the countries, located in its eastern part. We want to cooperate with everybody, but we also want that they respect the concern about security of citizens of our countries of the Baltics and Poland. We all together support Ukraine, which struggles for its independence on these days ”, he noted.

The letter states that the energy security constitutes the major component of united and prosperous Europe. In the opinion of the authors of the letter, although Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline is represented as the commercial project, indeed it is the political instrument of Russian state.

Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia and Moldova encouraged the European countries to guarantee that the commissioning of Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline 2 will be compliant with EU rules.

Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki previously stated that he considers Nord Stream-2 project to be very dangerous for Europe.

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