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Trump Specifies Reason of Tillerson’s Resignation

Wednesday, 14 March 2018 16:50

U.S. President said that the disagreements over Iran deal are the main reason for resignation of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

U.S. President Donald Trump explained the reasons for resignation of Rex Tillerson from the post of the Secretary of State by the disagreements between them, the main of which is the approach to Iran nuclear deal, Correspondent.net reports.

“Let us consider the Iran deal. I think it is awful. He think it is OK. I wanted to terminate it or do something with it earlier; he had some other opinion. We had different views”, Trump said to the journalists aboard the helicopter, on which he flew to California.

U.S. President noted that he has similar approaches with Mike Pompeo, Tillerson’s successor for the post of the Secretary of State.

“I think that everything will be OK”, Trump emphasized.

It should be reminded that on March 13, Trump dismissed Tillerson from the position of the Secretary of State and proposed the candidature of acting CIA Chief Mike Pompeo for this post. His deputy Gina Haspel will occupy Pompeo’s post of CIA Chief.

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