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U.S. Business Anticipates Reforms from New Russian Government

Monday, 07 May 2018 17:37

U.S. business in Russia anticipates that new RF government will conduct structural reforms, which will liberate business and let it develop, President of American Chamber of Commerce in Russia (AmCham) Alexis Rodzianko told.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, currently, the acceleration of the economic growth pace may be observed in Russia. “I hear from companies that 2017 was better for them than 2016; in many cases, the business growth in companies was over 10%. According to the forecasts, the first half of this year will overtop the first half of the last year, which was not bad as such”, Rodzianko noted in anticipation of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

According to the Head of the Chamber, the new government will need to take several steps to raise Russia’s investment attractiveness. “The structural reforms, which will liberate business and let it develop, are needed. The question is whether such measures will be taken because such liberation means a loss of control over the situation, and it is also very important for the government”, he said.

“It is also important for us to see how the authorities will find a compromise. Now, everybody anticipates that the government will take some steps on stimulating the economic growth, and we also rely on that”, Rodzianko added.

SPIEF-2018 will be held in St. Petersburg on May 24-26. Russia Today is the media partner of the forum.

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