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Trump Suggests EU Should Cut U.S. Steel Imports by 10%

Wednesday, 23 May 2018 16:35

As the Polish minister Jadwiga Emilewicz, who participates in EU-U.S. negotiations, told The Wall Street Journal, Washington suggests two options of resolving the trade dispute for Brussels. Both provide for cutting steel and aluminum imports to U.S. by 10%, Interfax reports.

“We are getting the impression that they (Americans) expect to somehow cut steel and aluminum supplies from EU countries”, - European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malstrom informed. “Meanwhile, they in no way imagine how to introduce these limitations”, Emilewicz considers. According to her, the Europeans attempt to find the options, which would fit for both parties; however, they do not understand the present tasks of U.S. party.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross did not comment on the statement of European representatives.

As previously the high-ranking European diplomat said, Brussels declares illegal the cuts of U.S. steel and aluminum imports by 10%. “Europe will not agree on that”, he said.

As WSJ notes, South Korea, which agreed on cutting U.S. steel imports by 30%, is the negative example for Brussels. It posed challenges for South Korean manufacturers, as Seoul ranked third on U.S. steel imports.

In early March, U.S. President Donald Trump imposed 25% duties on steel import and 10% - on aluminum import. The European Union accepted this decision with regret and promised to give “decisive” reply. Currently, Washington postponed imposition of duties; it should come into force from 1 June.

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