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U.S. Senate Approves Military Budget

Tuesday, 19 June 2018 16:28

U.S. Senate is ready to raise wages for militaries even more than Pentagon asked.

The bill provides the largest in the decade wage raise for militaries, increase of the number of ships, planes and military forces.

U.S. Senate approved by major voting the bill on Pentagon’s budget for 2019 FY, totaling $716 bln. 85 senators voted “for” the draft document, ten voted “against”, Interfax-Ukraine reports on Tuesday, 19 June.

The draft law provides for the largest in the decade wage raise for the militaries, the increase of the number of ship, planes as well as military forces.

According to the document, $617 bln will be allocated for the baseline budget of Pentagon, $68.5 bln – for foreign contingency operations, $21.6 bln – for nuclear development program.

The draft law also sanctions the development of ballistic missile with the nuclear warhead, placed in submarines. It is planned to allocate $65 mln from the budget for this development.

As Pentagon initially requested, $23.1 bln will go on the construction of ten new military ships, $7.6 bln – for procurement of 75 fighter-bombers F-35.

In addition, the document provides for the wage raise for militaries by 2.6% that is even more than the Department of Defense asked for.

Last month, U.S. House of Representatives approved its draft law about the budget.

At the joint meeting, the lower and upper houses are expected to work on bridging differences, contained in the draft law versions, supported by them.

The key differences are mainly connected with the size of armed forces, main armament systems and the reforms of the management structure of the Pentagon.

The legislators expect to complete the work on the consolidated project in July.

It should be reminded that U.S. military budget for 2018 is almost $700 bln. The document provides for allocation of $4.6 bln to European NATO allies within countering the Russian threat. It is also planned to allocate $350 mln for the military assistance to Ukraine.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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29 августа вступила в силу законодательная норма о начислении штрафов-компенсаций за несвоевременную выплату алиментов (от 20 до 50%). Компенсации будут перечисляться детям

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