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Vkontakte Lauches Payment System VK Pay, Russia

Wednesday, 27 June 2018 16:33

VKontakte announced about the launch of its own payment system VK Pay. The service operates in test mode, VKontakte group may connect the receipt of payment of goods and services, according to the press release, Interfax.ru reports.

The service is launched in partnership with Gazprombank. There is no commission for deposit, withdrawal and transfer of funds in VK Pay for the buyers and sellers, Gazprombank incurred expenditures, associated with commission payment.

During VK Pay testing stage, the users can make purchases and pay for the services in a special section of VKontakte and on the websites of VK Pay partners. The proposals from OneTwoTrip, DOC+, "Litres", Delivery Club are already available for testing participants. All VKontakte users will have access to the service soon.

“The launch of the payment system VK Pay is the important stage for final formation of the large-scale ecosystem of the electronic commerce. The combination of communication and payment functions will make VKontakte the largest platform for online trade in Russia”, Managing Director of Vkontakte Andrei Rogozov said.

Vkontakte belongs to the internet holding Mail.ru Group 100 percent. In Q1, 2018, the proceeds of social media increased by 60.3% compared to the same period last year – up to 4.2 bln rubles. Vkontakte’s EBITDA margin increased by 35.5% up to 2.5 bln rubles. The EBITDA profitability of social media increased by 35.5% up to 2.5 mln rubles. The EBIDTA profitability of social media decreased from 69.8% to 59% the year before.

In early June, Megafon closed the deal on creating the joint venture with Gazprombank, Rostec and USM Holdings on the base of Mail.ru Group. MF Technologies will develop digital services and implement projects in digital economy. The business was valued at $450 mln.

According to terms of the deal, Megafon included Mail.ru Group to the joint venture (11 500 100 A stocks, constituting 5.23% of the economic share and giving 58.87% votes). The operator will have left 21.9 mln common stocks or 10% of the economic share of Mail.Ru Group. Leftbord Investments Limited (100 percent subsidiary of Megafon) obtained 45% in MF Technology, Gazprombank – 35%, USM – 9%, Rostec – 11%.

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Виртуальные «фантики», крупная махинация вроде финансовой пирамиды - 42.3%
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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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В нашей стране стоит сто раз продумать, прежде чем рожать детей - 33.3%
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