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Facebook Engineers Develop Satellite for Distributing Internet from Space

Wednesday, 25 July 2018 16:30

Facebook is working on the creation of satellites for distributing Internet from the orb, using the radio signals of millimeter range.

Facebook representatives confirmed that Athena is the working name for the satellite, finance reports.

According to the documents, received as per requests thanks to the Law of Freedom of Information, the social media are developing the Internet satellite, which “will effectively provide a broadband access to underserved districts throughout the world”.

Athena is designed for providing Internet access to the regions, where it is impossible to lay fiber-optic cables. The Internet distribution technology will be called as the PointView Tech. Other details of developments are not revealed yet.

“Though now, we cannot say anything specific about this project, we consider that the satellite technologies will become the important factor for developing the infrastructure of broadband access of the next generation that will allow ensuring a broadband connection to rural regions with poor Internet connection”, Facebook representative said.

Facebook considers that these new Internet users will become the social media members that, in its turn, will expand the global coverage and strengthen Facebook’s advertising empire.

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