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Senators Suggest Restricting Trump’s Powers So U.S. Does not Withdraw from NATO

Friday, 27 July 2018 16:40

According to the proposed bill, for withdrawing from the Alliance, the President should garner two third of Senate’s votes.

Four U.S. senators developed the bill, which will not allow President Donald Trump to pull U.S. out of NATO without a prior approval of the Congress’ upper chamber, The Washington Post reports.

It is noted that the document was presented by Members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Cory Gardner and Timothy Kaine, Chair of Senate Armed Services Committee John McCain and the high-ranking democrat Jack Reed.

“Unfortunately, the improper treatment of President Trump with our closest allies caused doubts in U.S. commitment to Transatlantic Alliance and its values in defense sphere. This law is urgently required so that neither president could pull out U.S. out of NATO without Senate’s approval”, McCain emphasized.

Previously, the mass media reported that during NATO summit in Brussels, Trump threatened allies to withdraw from the alliance, unless the member countries fulfill obligations on defense spending.

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