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Trump Lifts Restrictions on Cyberattacks – Mass Media

Friday, 17 August 2018 16:02

U.S. President lifts Obama’s restrictions on applying cyber weapon against U.S. enemies, the mass media reports.

U.S. President Donald Trump cancelled the classified directive of his predecessor Barack Obama on applying the cyber weapon against the enemies of the country, The Wall Stree Journal reports, quoting the sources.

According to the sources, the cancellation of such directive will lead to the weakening of restriction on cyberattacks. It is being clarified what became known about the document in 2013 after U.S. National Security Agency sub-contractee Edward Snowden published data on the operation of UK and U.S. intelligence agencies.

According to one of the sources, the cancellation of the directive is the “aggressive step forward”. According to the data of the edition, it will serve the support of military operation as well as it will prevent embezzlement of the intellectual property and foreign interference with the elections.

Currently, there is no information whether the presidential administration approved the new rules instead of those, which were cancelled.

Previously, it was reported that U.S. plan to create the cosmic forces by 2020, which will become the sixth branch of U.S. troops.

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