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Today Jury Should Deliver Verdict to Manafort

Friday, 17 August 2018 16:07

Within ten days, 12 jurors heard the testimonies of witnesses as well as the arguments of prosecution and defense.

The jury deliberations on the case of the political consultant of Victor Yanukovich and former campaign manager of Donald Trump Paul Manafort will be held on Thursday, August 16. The jurors should deliver the verdict regarding Manafort’s innocence, The Washington Post reports.

District Judge Tomas Ellis delivered such judgment in the Court of Alexandria, Virginia State.

The jury consists of six men and six women. During the last 10 days, they heard the testimonies of witnesses and the arguments of prosecution and defense.

On Wednesday, they heard the testimonies with final statements, but the witnesses were not subpoenaed. Manafort himself declined to testify at the last court hearing.

It should be reminded that Manafort is charged with unregistered lobbyist activities in the interests of Ukraine, tax evasion and money laundering.

The prosecution insists that Manafort and his former partner Richard Gates received dozens of millions dollars for their work; however, they attempted to conceal these earnings.

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