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Internal audit of the Kyiv City Administration reveals a 195-million- hryvnia violation

Friday, 24 October 2014 16:48

Actual losses amounted to around 40 million hryvnias

The findings of the internal audit carried out by the Kyiv City Administration in the 3rd quarter of this year revealed a number of violations the amount of which exceeds 195 million hryvnias, according to Mayor of Kyiv Vitaly Klychko, the press-office of the KCA reports.

Klychko said that within this period the Internal Audit & Financial Monitoring Unit have conducted 42 investigations.  The audit findings are as follows: violations that expose to risk of loss total UAH 89 million, while actual losses incurred amount to UAH 40 million.

“Four officials have been fired from job after the audit. We’ve handed nine case papers over to the law enforcement bodies; 3 new criminal proceeding have been already initiated. Moreover, given that 12 audit checks were conducted together with law enforcement bodies, we anticipate to receive an adequate response on the said violations”, – said Vitaly Klychko. Mayor of Kyiv underlined that bringing offenders to justice, instituting criminal proceedings, lies within the competence of law enforcement agencies rather than local self-government authorities. 

Vitaly Klychko added that the senior management of the Kyiv City Administration is working on the document to frame a decision on making the information about all findings of internal audit available to public.

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