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Samsung Pay to launch in other three countries

Friday, 20 November 2015 16:33

Several months ago South Korean electronics manufacturer launched the payment system for smartphones Samsung Pay. Initially it was available only in Korea, one month later – USA, PaySpaceMagazine reports.

The manufacturer announced his plans to promote this service. Citizens of China, Spain and Great Britain will soon be able to use Samsung Pay.

As per flash estimate, the service will start working in these countries in the 1st quarter of 2016. Currently only five Samsung devices support contactless payments. Among them are Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 edge, Galaxy S6 edge+, Galaxy Note 5, and Gear S2 watch. This will allow to pay for your purchase with your mobile in any payment terminal, even if it supports only magnetic stripe cards. You can settle with the watch only in contactless POS terminals.

If the information on a launch of Samsung Pay on three new markets is confirmed, then Samsung will be able to achieve more during its first half-of-the-year work than Apple Pay for more than a year. Only four countries – USA, Great Britain, Canada and Australia – are connected to this service of the US mobile payment system. Apple plans to launch this service in China, but has to postpone the launch till the second half of 2016.

South Korea will become the first Asian country, where it will be possible to pay with IPhone.   

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