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NABU Completes Case Investigation against Pasishnyk

Thursday, 31 March 2016 18:09

The pretrial investigation against Naftogaz’s top manager is continuing.

The National Anticorruption Bureau reported about the completion of pretrial case investigation on the influence of Naftogaz of Ukraine’s deputy chairman Andrei Pasishnyk on Minister of Economic Development and Trade Aivaras Abromavicius, Correspondent reports.

It referred to the influence on the minister in order to interfere with fulfillment of his job responsibilities and achieve the adoption of the illegal decision, as NABU’s press-service reported on Thursday, March 31.

At the moment the defense is familiarizing with materials of pretrial investigation.  After this the indictment will be taken to court.

NABU also informed that pretrial investigation in this criminal proceeding is continuing.

As Correspondent.net reported, on March 14 Pasishnyk was forbidden to leave Kyiv. On March 12, during the interrogation at NABU he refused to testify.

It should be reminded that on February 9 Naftogaz relieved Pasishnyk from fulfilment of his obligations during the investigation.   


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