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MIA Tells about Next Stage of Reforms

Monday, 23 May 2016 16:41

The police academy will be created in Ukraine.

The next stages in reforming MIA will become the creation of police academy and replacement of interdistrict registration and examination department of the State Automobile Inspectorate for new service centers, Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov said, Interfax Ukraine reports.

In addition, in his Facebook Avakov announced about the upgraded Service Centers of the MIA, the completion of formation of special unit KORD and new system of police duty officers.

“We are launching several new projects (steps) of the MIA reform – including the creation of the system of authentically upgraded Service Centers of the MIA across the country, the completion of formation of special unit KORD (Prompt Immediate Action Corps), the creation of new system of police duty officers, the reform of criminal block”, he noted.

Meanwhile, in April the activists of Automaidan reported that police re-attestation has been suspended all over the country.

In addition, previously Police Chief Khatia Dekanoidze stated that police reform is impeded by court decisions on reinstatement in work of MIA employees, who have not undergone re-attestation.  


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