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Groisman: Cabinet of Ministers to Consider Some Questions Related to Customs

Monday, 23 May 2016 16:44

The government will create “Single Point of Contact” on the customs, RBC-Ukraine reports.

This week the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to consider the range of questions, related to the customs, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman said in his weekly video address.

“In the Cabinet of Ministers we will consider some questions, which will regulate many problems in customs. We will create “Single Point of Contact” on Ukrainian customs. In the end, we will take decisions, which will allow to make the first step and struggle with the so-called “tax squirrels”, those who, unfortunately, press business. And I think that the decision, which will be taken by government, will provide the opportunity to remove this problem”, - Groisman said.


It should be reminded that the Ministry of Finance has developed the concept of creation and functioning of the automated system “Single Point of Contact” – the electronic system of data exchange, which will further simplification of customs procedures and remove opportunities for corrupt practices on the customs.   


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