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Austria Rejects Possibility of EU Entry of Turkey

Wednesday, 12 October 2016 15:48

According to Austrian Minister to Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurz, the heads of governments of many European countries took this position.

Austrian Minister to Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurz excluded the Turkey’s membership in the European Union. “I am confident that there won’t be any entry of Turkey to EU”, the politician said during the interview to Die Welt.

Meanwhile, according to the Minister to Foreign Affairs, it is not only his position – the same position is taken by the heads of governments and foreign ministers of many European countries. He explained that “there is a big difference between what most European politicians think and what they publicly declare”. 

In the meantime, Kurz encouraged to close cooperation with Ankara. According to him, the purpose of such cooperation should become the entry of Turkey to EU as the full member. It is much more important to have the “individual partnership regime”, which was proposed for relationships between Brussels and Ankara by Former Federal Chancellor of Austria Wolfgang Schussel.

Previously, while delivering the speech at the opening of the parliament in Ankara, President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his country is ready to become the full member of the EU. He requested a clear feedback from Brussels. “Our patience is wearing thin”, the Turkish leader said. 


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