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Former Chairperson of Imexbank Suspected of Embezzlement

Wednesday, 01 February 2017 11:44

On January 18, the Central Investigation Department of the National Police served charge papers to Former Chairman of the Management Board of Imexbank JSC Yurii Grammatik, according to the message of the Individuals’ Deposit Insurance Fund, the Economic Truth reports.

As reported, during the pretrial investigation it was established that, by order of the chairman of the management board of the bank, the unsecured loans were, first of all, disbursed to the persons, related to the bank.

In addition, the marketable collateral under loan agreements was replaced to unmarketable one, which led to embezzlement of bank assets.

“The bank employee is charged with the commission of crime, stipulated in part 5 of art.191 of CC of Ukraine “Misappropriation, Embezzlement or Conversion of Property by Malversation”. The final amount of the damage caused is being established”, - according to the message.

It should be reminded that on January 26, 2015, Imexbank was declared insolvent.

As of early 2017, the bank depositors received UAH 4.160 bln as the payment of guaranteed amount of indemnification.

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