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«Under Kurchenko’s Scheme» Odessa’s Taxmen Stole Oil for UAH 1.2 Billion –SSSU

Friday, 03 February 2017 16:02

SSSU officials along with the Prosecutor’s Office and Fiscal Service exposed the mechanism of smuggling oil products, organized by taxmen, as it is said in SSSU’s message, according to Economic Truth.

The law enforcement officers established that the mechanism was functioning within 2012-2014 under the so-called «Kurchenko’s Scheme».

As reported, the officials acted in collusion with several commercial structures.

«During the cargo execution, the law breakers submitted falsified documents to customs agencies, under which the products are allegedly transited through the territory of Ukraine. The SSSU officials found that the oil products were actually shipped and stored at company warehouses in eight regions of Ukraine. In reality, the products were illegally sold on the internal market», according to the message.

As the result of this transaction, the state budget did not receive more than 1.2 billion of mandatory payments.

SSSU officials documented that certain officials of the Odessa’s customhouse, who were “covering” the deal, encouraged functioning of the illegal scheme.

Three taxmen and two managers of commercial structures were served with charge papers regarding the crimes, stipulated by Part 2 of Art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The pretrial investigation still continues.

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