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Ukraine Files Lawsuit on OPAL Gas Pipeline

Wednesday, 29 March 2017 17:55

Ukraine challenged the decision of the European Commission on Gazprom’s access to Opal pipeline.

The Ukrainian party considers that the decision on the increase of Russian gas supplies violates the EU Association Agreement.

Naftogaz filed the lawsuit to the European court against the European Commission with the claim to cancel the decision dd. 28 October 2016, which allows Russian Gazprom to significantly increase the use of OPAL gas pipeline capacities and the volumes of gas pumping through Nord Stream, Correspondent.net reports.

“The adoption of the specified decision without consultations with Ukraine violates the Article 274 of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as well as EU obligations under the Energy Charter Treaty and the Treaty, establishing the Energy Community”, according to Naftogaz’s statement.

Ukrainian company argues its lawsuit that the decision was adopted outside the scope of the authorities of the European commission.

In addition, it contradicts EU Directive 2009/73 and does not contribute to increasing competition, poses threats to the security of supplies to Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. The effective functioning of the internal market of the European Union and Energy Community is also posed at risk, as it strengthens Gazprom’s domination and associated companies.

As Correspondent.net reports, in October 2016, the European Commission approved the increase of Gazprom’s quota for the use of OPAL pipeline. In December 2016, the government of Poland filed the complaint to the European Court against this decision.

As the results, the Polish party managed to unblock the monopolization of OPAL by Russia.

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