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MinJustice wants to introduce qualification requirements for individuals who are going to become legal experts

Wednesday, 07 August 2013 10:28

MinJustice clarified the issue of staffing the research institutes of forensic examinations (RIFE).

In a letter from 08.05.2013 was noted that, according to the procedural law, forensic expert conclusions may be provided only by persons who meet the requirements of the Law "On Judicial Review" (hereinafter - the Law). Thus, p. 10 of the Law found that forensic experts may be individuals who have necessary knowledge to make conclusion on the study questions.

Forensic experts in state specialized agencies may be professionals who have appropriate degree, education level no lower than a specialist, were trained and have qualified legal expertise in a particular specialty.

MinJustice said that at present the total number of forensic experts in all state institutions and specialized expertise of those engaged in forensic work independently on a professional basis (private) is about eight thousand experts in various fields of knowledge, which every year perform over a million forensic examinations.

Furthermore, as stated in a letter, RIFE also provides post of researchers, whose main task is to carry out applied scientific works, including searching engine associated with development of new and improved techniques for forensic examination. Researchers tend to also have qualified forensic expertise and involved in performing difficult, complex and repeated forensic examinations. That is why creation of adequate personnel from skilled professionals expert in institutions requires from Justice the definition of specific requirements for individuals who can work as forensic experts and managers at various levels at RIFE.

MinJustice considers it appropriate to input common approaches to proper staffing of government experts and other specialized public institutions (Ministry of Interior, Security Service, the Defense Ministry, State Border Service and the Ministry of Health). MinJustice also noted that, given the importance of results of forensic expert and his responsibility to provide complete and reasonable conclusions, worthy proposal to impose certain requirements and qualifications for persons who intend to perform forensic activities as private experts namely in terms of work experience requirements for degree.

Thus, the Ministry of Justice has concluded that it is necessary to legislate qualification requirements for persons intending to qualify as a forensic expert, so these provisions should be reflected in the new draft law "On Judicial Review".

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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