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They discussed in the Ministry of Education the draft Concept of specialized education in high school

Monday, 12 August 2013 10:47


Press service of the Ministry of Education reports that August 9, 2013, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Borys Zhebrovsky chaired a meeting of the Working Group on Draft Concept of specialized education in high school

During the meeting, members of working group discussed proposals to the draft Concept of specialized education in high school, made some edits and defined principles for future work.

Director of Secondary and Primary Education Department of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine Oleg Yeresko noted that the list of main courses is offered by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and elective courses each student can choose at own will.

"We give the option to choose on specialization of education to everyone regardless of their place of study. School becomes profession-oriented as well, and every student has the right to choose. We give children the opportunity to discover their talents and potential, and to choose a future profession" - said Deputy Minister of Education and Science Boris Zhebrovsky.

At the end of the meeting, Boris Zhebrovsky asked each member of working group to prepare a comment - an opinion on the concept, give personal vision of prospective that specialized education will bring to high school.

After making amendments requested the Project Concept will be posted on the official website of MES by August 14, 2013.

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