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Ministry of Justice Searches for Gazprom’s Assets

Monday, 22 May 2017 17:11

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is actively working on searching the assets of Gazprom OJSC on the territory of Ukraine for their confiscation according to the judgment, Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavel Petrenko said during the briefing, Segodnya reports.

“We are intensively working now. I do not want to disclose certain information, because it is the process of the investigation of assets. We all are operating under the law. And this will be a very positive case for fulfilling this decision”, the minister said.

As reported, in February 2016, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) passed the decision to impose the fine, amounting to UAH 85.9 bln (about USD 3.2 bln), on Russia’s Gazprom for the violation of economic competition protection legislation. Gazprom underwent all court instances; however, the court left the complaints of the Russian company unattended.

Subsequently, AMCU charged penalties on the Gazprom’s fine for the total amount of UAH 85.966 bln.

On May 16, 2017, the High Economic Court of Ukraine declined to satisfy the cassation complaints of Gazprom OJSC for the decision about the collection the amount of the fine, imposed by the decision AMCU, and the penalties, amounting to about UAH 172 bln or about USD 6.9 bln, to the State Budget of Ukraine from the Russian company.

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