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Deloitte Will Do Corporate Governance of Ukrzaliznytsia

Wednesday, 08 November 2017 16:35

Deloitte became the winner of auction for providing consulting services to Ukrzaliznytsia on diagnosing and improvement of corporate governance as well as regulatory and legislative base, ET reports quoting UZ press office.

Deloitte will help a railroad company to bring its corporate governance into compliance with world practice and generally accepted international standards.

The consultant will have to develop a detailed action plan on corporate governance, determine risks and weaknesses, which should be eliminated.

UZ reminded that previously, the Cabinet of Ministers created the interdepartmental working group on implementation of the reform of its corporate governance.

Ukrzaliznytsia PSJC was created on the basis of state railroad transport administration as well as more than 50 companies and institutions of this sphere, which were reorganized through merger.

PJSC included six railroads, car repair plants, railroad state companies, design and survey institutes of railroad transport, some design technology bureaus.

The company started business activities in December 2015; 100% of its shares were state-owned.

It should be reminded that for this financial year, Deloitte obtained record proceeds, amounting to USD 38.8 bln, which exceed the last year’s indicator by 7.1%.

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