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Ukraine Plans to Arrest Gazprom’s Property Abroad

Monday, 22 January 2018 17:47

The Ministry of Justice plans to use the services of legal advisers. They can help to find and arrest the foreign assets of Gazprom, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Sergei Shklyar said, Finance.ua  reports quoting Ukrainian News.

The Ministry will conduct tenders on the purchase of services of foreign advisors.

Sergei Shklyar explained that they will search for the properties of the Russian gas monopolist. After the properties are found, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine will work on its realization.

As the result, the money, obtained from the sale of property, will be returned to the budget of Ukraine.

Shklyar told that the government took all necessary actions for searching Gazprom’s property on the territory of Ukraine.  It was not found.

It should be reminded that Gazprom refused from submitting the appeal for the decision of Stockholm arbitrage, issued on December 22 of the previous year. As the result of this decision, Ukraine managed to save budget funds and decrease the costs for blue fuel.

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