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Ukraine Excludes Estonia, Latvia and Georgia from Offshore List

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 16:54

The decision on including these countries in the list was taken without appropriate consultations. That is why now Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, Hungary and Malta will be removed from the list.

The Cabinet of Ministers excluded Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, Malta and Hungary from the list of countries, the transactions with residents of which are controlled by Ukraine for transfer pricing. On Wednesday, January 31, the relevant decision was approved at the government session, Correspondent.net reports quoting Interfax-Ukraine.

As Minister of Finance Alexander Danyliuk reported, the decision on their inclusion was approved in December without necessary approval with these partner countries, because now, the government and the Ministry of Finance will take two months for consultations.

“In some countries, their laws have the norms that the funds may be withdrawn from Ukraine under zero rate”, Minister of Finance explains the decision, approved in December. 

It should be reminded that in December 27, 2017, the Ukrainian government included Estonia, Iran, Cuba, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Monaco, UAE, Singapore, Georgia and Hungary in the list of risky countries, increasing the total number in the list from 65 to 85.

As reported, the Estonia government considers that the inclusion of the country in the Ukrainian list of offshore zones was a mistake. 

Previously, Latvia demanded that Ukraine excludes it from the list of offshores.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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