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GPOU Suspects Ukrgasvydobuvannya of Lobbying Interests of Pinchuk’s Company

Thursday, 15 March 2018 17:14

The officials of Ukrgasvydobuvannya PJSC are suspected of facilitating the win of contracts by Victor Pinchuk’s Interpipe Group.

It is evidenced by the decision of Kyiv Pechersk District Court dated March 1, Our Money reports.

The criminal proceeding of the General Prosecutor’s Office involves the first deputy of Chairman of the Management Board of Ukrgasvydobuvannya Alexander Romaniuk.

According to investigation details, with the assistance and through financial incentives, Romaniuk and the officials of the competitive bidding committee of Ukrgasvydobuvannya will create the artificial conditions so that Interpipe Ukraine LLC wins the tender.

Meanwhile, GPOU considers that the executives of the state company provide technical grounds, tasks and design documentation, which actually give significant advantages to Interpipe Group while participating in competitive bidding.

On March 2, the court provided GPOU’s investigators and prosecutors as well as SSSU’s employees with temporary access to the documents, which are in possession of Interpipe Ukraine, with possibility of seizing duly certified copies, and namely – competitive bidding documents on procurement of works and services under supply agreement of 2017.

The criminal proceeding dated 28 September 2017 is investigated by the investigators of GPOU’s Division of Fight against Organized Crime.

The legal assessment of crimes – in part 5 of art. 191 (Misappropriation, embezzlement or conversion or property by malversation), part 2 of art. 364 (Abuse of authority or office), part 2 of art. 366 (forgery in office), part 2 of art. 209 (Legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained money and other property) of CC of Ukraine.

Formerly, Romaniuk was CEO’s advisor of Victor Pinchuk’s East One.

Since 2015, the data on Ukrgasvydobuvannya’s purchase of pipe products from Interpipe Ukraine for UAH 5.27 bln were revealed in Prozorro.

All other suppliers had contracts for ten and hundred times less amounts.

Previously, Chairman of the Management Board of Ukrgasvydobuvannya Oleg Prokhorenko explained it by the fact that Pinchuk’s company is the largest manufacturer of pipes in Ukraine.

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